Debugging a WordPress Site (500 error)

Erika Osorio Guerrero
3 min readOct 13, 2020
resource joomdev

Issue Summary

On October 02 , 2020, at approximately 03:27 Pacific Standard Time (PST) until 05:32 (PST), an outage occurred on an isolated Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS container running an Apache web server. When running GET requests on the server, that led to a500 Internal Server Error, when the expected response was an HTML file defining a Holberton WordPress site,

All Users where affected by this outage during two hours approximately. The cause of this issue was a typographical error in the /var/www/html/wp-settings.php file showed in the following line. Where the extension phpp should it be php instead

require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-locale.phpp' );

Timeline (PST)

  • 03:27 Apache is returning a 500 Internal Server Error and was detected by a staff engineer when tried to curl
  • 03:30 The Engineer report the Issue and begging the debugging process
  • 03:40 The Engineer begging searching the history, and doesn’t find anything strange
  • 03:47 Then he checked the error.log and the access.log files located at the folder /var/log/apache2/, unfortunately there are not error reported
  • 04:03 The engineer Restart the server to see if it responds ok and everything seems great
  • 04:05 Next he checked the permissions on the configuration file in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, and they seem normal
  • 04:13 Looked in the sites-available folder of the /etc/apache2/ directory. Determined that the web server was serving content located in /var/www/html/.
  • 04:20 The engineer checked running processes using ps auxf. Two apache2 processes - root and www-data - were properly running.
  • 04: 30 The Engineer decide to use strace. In one terminal, ran strace on the PID of the root Apache process. In another, curled the server. But strace did not give a useful information.
  • 04:40 He again run strace again, but this time he decided to try a child process of apache2 using the PID of the www-data process. And checked the result of strace.
  • 05:05 And great news, finally some useful result, strace reveled an -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) error occurring upon an attempt to access the file /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-locale.phpp
lstat("/var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-locale.phpp", 0x7ffc9cd01270) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
  • 05:10 He starts a search to find out which file contains the typo error running grep -r phpp /var/www/html/with great result he has two files that contain the phpp word, and just one with the information he was looking for, the filewp-settings.php contains the error
wp-settings.php:require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-locale.phpp' ); 
  • 05:26 The engineer fix the error deleting the extra p from the line of the file wp-settings.php
  • 05: 32 Tested another curl on the server. and Great News a 200 response!

Root cause:

The root cause was a typographical error, the WordPress app was encountering a critical error in wp-settings.php when trying to load the file class-wp-locale.phpp. The correct file name, located in the wp-content directory of the application folder, was class-wp-locale.php. This let the server to send a 500 error and in this case meaning it was not finding the file because of the wrong extension, the file did not exist.


Patch involved a simple fix on the typo, removing the trailing p.


This outage was not a web server error, instead I was an application error, In order to prevent such outages moving forward, keep the following in mind.

  • Test the application before deploying. This error would have arisen and could have been addressed earlier if the app has been tested before deploying it.
  • Uptime monitoring. Have a monitoring tool like Uptime Robot or Sumo Logic for example, should be attached to each of the web-servers to alert instantly upon outage of the website.. Uptime monitoring software send requests to different endpoints on our system and verifies that they are all returning a status code 200.

